Publisher’s Notes

Where do I start? The economy is slowing. If the increase of jobs and lifting the COVID restrictions, removing mandates, stop trying to teach Critical Race Theory, create jobs by finishing the wall on the southern border, reopen Gas supply lines…In other words put everything back like it was we have hope of a quicker recovery. There is a movement to turn our government into a socialist government where we won’t have free elections. The citizens of this country will have to do as the government says. I can not invasion the tax payers of this country following along and letting their children be taught socialistic views.

Here we need to read quotes from Thomas Sowell…

“No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce.”


“What is exactly is your ‘Fair Share’ of what ‘Someone Else’ has worked for?” Continue reading


9-11 When the towers were destroyed and all the lives were lost it started into days, weeks, months and years of memories, sorrow and morning because this  was an unnecessary loss of life. Yes  the people that did this act were paid back, except trials that are still going on. 20 years later it ended in another disaster at our southern border. More loss of life, more morning and our country was weakened maybe beyond repair.

Maybe we need to recruit, train and send all these refugee’s back to the  countries they came from so they can clean up their country. Meanwhile the people coming into our country are free to invade us!


This was a month with several negative email letter to the Editor. Continue reading


I Like Gov DeSantis!

Here we go.

Along comes Monoclonal Antibody

This Governor has not stop surprising  me. He wants to come up with solutions and give credit where credit was due. He noted that Trump bought all that the Monoclonal Antibody that the manufacturer had before he left office. It will be free to the public. That shows you how far ahead Trump is compared to Biden. He knew it would be important in the process of curing people with low Immune systems. The doctors treated Trump with Monoclonal Antibody’s when he contracted COVID-19. The hospitals in Marion County are using it.  Hope it comes to be available to the public in Marion County Soon. Continue reading

Information from the net and sharing by TomL

The Biden Administration is sanctioning a safe house’s for ILLEGAL’s in the USA, probably many!

ILLEGAL SAFE HOUSE is in the former Homewood Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Hotel is on lock down and is guarded by LES Officers, LES is Law Enforcement Services hired for the job along with some ICE agent’s. It has a cloak of mystery over and around it. No one is permitted to answer question but several good reporters got a few answers. It is interesting that they would pick a entire hotel and hire a food service to come in to feed them. Guess whom is paying for it. Some say it is a strategy to increase the population in curtain states and curtain voting districts to increase the amount of representative that are aloud. Shifting people and moving boundary’s on voting blocks have been going on for years. In fact it has been done here locally.

The way this was found out was by a tip that was given to a reporter, the right reporter who followed up and printed the truth. I thought it worth sharing because of the seriousness of the matter. THE VOTING BLOCKS! Continue reading

By TomL

My family & Friends are the most important to me from there, the Lord controls it all.

I have my pride, my Integrity and my love of FREEDOM. The newspapers are a great tool to help people. Also my job is to expose bad issue and bad people, we run letters to the editor so that you can see your opinion in print and others can respond or just read your wisdom.

********* Continue reading

The Sea side Building Collapse is horrible. Can you imagine sleeping in that building when it collapsed? All kinds of rumors are flying around that the building should have been condemned, There were crack in the foundation reported a year ago??? My gosh what a terrible loss. It needs to be investigated and if there was negligence they need to deal with it harshly.


Has anyone been watching what is going on in Oklahoma, they have been passing laws and amendment. One was to place the Ten Commandments on the Oklahoma State Capital Building Entrance.

Wait there is more…They passed a Law to arrest all Illegal Immigrants and ship them back to where they came from, with exception that if they want to become a United States Citizen and get a green card to work in this country sign up here they all ran.The ACLU and the American Government  told Oklahoma law enforcement, It’s not a good idea. They said they were doing it anyway. Obama and Biden did not do well in Oklahoma, neither one won one county during the election. Continue reading

OCALA Florida Advent hospital. I was scheduled in to advent hospital for an out patient for a complete Echocardiogram. They called me the night before to remind me and pre-register me. I got in 30 minutes early. They had a team. There were about six or eight ladies dressed a like, black slacks with black dress jacket, sharply dressed. They had little semi-private glass front offices, they would come to the waiting room and call your name and escort you to a office and check  me in like a hotel register desk. They verified who you were, what you were there for and your Insurance. They hand you a bracelet with your information on it you verify it is correct then they put it around your wrist and escort you to the waiting room.

I am bad about having a problem about waiting a long time. While in the waiting room they were taking people about every three minutes I was number 4. They escorted me into a room where they did my test. I got there early and did not have to wait. Continue reading

I remember our history studies in school about the Holocaust. I wondered, how did Hitler get millions of people follow passively to their death and not fight back??? Suddenly I realized we Americans are taking the same path!

Socialism is free stuff. Sounds great, where does the free stuff come from? What happens when the company or people get tired of supplying free stuff? Socialism is tax the rich to feed the poor. Kind of like Robin Hood who really did not do what they claim. Remember Robin Hood was a bandit, a bad guy. When the rich don’t want to be taxed any more they take their money and move out of the country where the tax is not as bad.

The second big problem with Socialism is there is no middle class. The powers to be have to get the middle  class dependent on the Government hand out. Then there is only two classes. The upper class (the wealthy) and the lower class (the dependent’s). As a dependent you lose your ambition, sense of pride and the sense of right from wrong. If you and your family are hungry, you will do what’s necessary to survive. Continue reading

Governor DeSantis and the story created by 60 minutes. The story is not real. First Publix is the favorite place for seniors to shop. It makes sense that they have vaccines available for the public and make it convenient for the seniors.

There are thousands of outlets to get vaccinated in Florida. Because DeSantis is becoming popular, the big media feels the need to knock him down. His strength and base is to big.The people of Florida love him and will not let the left hurt him. they have tried and they will try again and he will have take time out of his dally  work to deal with them.

It’s a shame that our Governor has to constantly watch his back. Continue reading

FREEDOM SHOT yes I heard a woman in a restaurant  interview call her COVID-19 inoculation her Freedom Shot. Anthony Fauci got into a confrontation with Ran Paul over wearing a mask. I think Ran Paul said, “isn’t it just theater?” If you get a Freedom Shot and you can’t spread the COVID-19 and you can’t catch it why would you wear a mask? Ran Paul is suppose to be a very highly respected ophthalmologist. So he can discuss this as a Doctor as well as a Senator.m Rand Paul said to Fauci you have been vaccinated and your still wearing a mask. That is sending a message to the people we will never get back to normalcy.


I read on the internet there were over 6,000 people died doing the pre 2022 World Cup work. Workers were from Qatar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India. Some say the workers were Exploited and in some cases forced to work! The temperature in Qatar goes well over 100. Investigations are going on, more info in the future.


Blowing out someone else candle does not make yours shine brighter! It does make you the only person with a light candle! Continue reading

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