Publisher’s Notes

By TomL

Lady Lake Florida…Received a phone call last week. He introduced himself as a long time Lady Lake Resident, actually I think he was from the Villages, he was accusing the paper of making Democrats look like Russians. (Boy is that a far stretch). I ask him if he call Fox News and accuse them of the same. I said we have a well rounded group of writer’s and I’m sorry you don’t like what we say, simply just don’t read it. He said he would never watch Fox News. After the called ended, I sat and thought about what he said. You know he is right  the Republicans are the only one’s doing their job, the other are taxing the heck out of us. There is talk about the Green new deal is financed by Russia and China, I guess I need to explain. Investigators are now saying that some of the candidates running and endorsing the Green New Deal had hefty contributions from Russian and Chinese backed company’s. Some people get upset when they believe something all their lives and things change, people change. The reader said the whole paper was guilty of it. He said the paper treated Governor DeSantis like a God (Far Stretch). I think several times our writers said DeSantis was doing his job and most Floridians would agree with that. I walked outside and there it was A FULL MOON! I say if you don’t like what is in the newspaper, any paper, just simply don’t read them. I am sorry the Democrat’s are being blamed for what Biden is putting them through. Just impeach him and get it over with! Continue reading

Oil report from Government energy office…..Last but not least. The question is how much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?””More than all the Middle East put Together.”

The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008.  A revised report on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and Extreme eastern Montana.

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Continue reading

Now I have seen everything. An electric new green deal being charged by a diesel powered charging station. Think about it AOC??????Dangerously bad diesel fuel being run to charge safe green electric cars.

Going into another month I have to repeat what I wrote over a year ago. While I was researching something on the internet and I came across this.

It claimed that Wuhan Lab research on COVID was being funded through a religious group by the Obama administration by Fauci. I guess they call that masking or Ghosting. The research and development was on SAR-CoV1. The lab had a bad record of having accidents, so Obama told Fauci to stop funding the research. Now this was a long time ago during Obama’s term. It also claimed, Fauci found private funding for his research through allegedly Hillary Clinton and several other which was indicated to be high tech guys in the internet business. Now the Investigation today has not mentioned Hillary or the other’s yet, so maybe that was a wrong projection. This was all in 2002, it jump to humans from bats and was named SARS. That was the first pandemic. This is a the first development of the COVID. Over 8,000 people were infected and things started happening. Continue reading

I need to start my column off with…”Lord forgive them for they know not what they do!” and those of you should know who I’m praying for…

Boy are we in a sorry state. The leaders of the United States is reacting with biases and hate.

Senator Lankford

Build Back Broke Bill

Testing Still Isn’t Fixed!

Testing Still Isn’t Fixed!

Testing Still Isn’t Fixed!

In stead of Praying for our Children they are praying on our Children with Mandates and rules that don’t apply to education. Before this over there is going to be a lot people that are phycological wrecks. Thank God for the legitimate online teachers. I know that without them some children would have no education. So don’t bad mouth those online teachers some are very good. Florida is exempt from most of those teaching problems because we have a strong Governor. Continue reading

By TomL

I said many years ago there would be a shortage of careers with apprenticeships. I served as a pressman apprentice / Typographical apprentice / Linotype operator / All what they called Hot Type. I went into offset printing knowing things were changing. I learned to run an offset press and never looked back. I remember when the Hollywood SunTattler was in business, they were strictly Hot Type and the old timers did not believe that offset was here to stay. Heavily Unionize, the production manager came to me one day and said I here you are an offset pressman. I said I have run some offset presses. He said well I hear that they mix water and ink together to run the offset press? I said not exactly true, here is how it works.

You take a photo sensitive thin polished plate. You expose the image you want on it. Then you apply lacquer  to the p[late and the lacquer sticks to the image of the exposed plate. You then put it on  the press. This is where the name offset comes in. The press has a maze of rollers some distributing alumni water solution which goes on the plate as the press runs. the alqueline wet the plate and the lacquer repel’s the water so the ink takes it’s place.  As the press run the image transfers to a rubber blanket and the rubber blanket transfers it to the paper, (Offset printing). Continue reading

The State of Florida / Turnpike Authority is trying to take our Land and ruining our Natural Resources!

By Tom Loury

Why is the State hell bent on destroying the west marion County agricultural and pristine Rivers in the Dunnellon area I can’t figure. First it was the Barge Canal, they took property from people that lived on the water to build something that not been updated. I guess the idea was to have a water route to carry cargo from one side of the state cutting the long journey around the tip of Florida especially Coal. The Barge Canal is right next to the Crystal River power plant. The only problem was the Barge Canal when finished could not accommodate the large barge of today or when they finished it. They dredge for years polluting the waters in the gulf. It finally was stop but the water front property that was taken from the residence was not return to original owners. Oh there was some hocus pocus auction that no one knew about. Bottom line they did not get their waterfront property back? I don’t think it’s legal to force buy property for one reason and then use it for another purpose!

Then then comes the Turnpike Extension around 1999, give or take a few years/ They announced it and the residents went nut’s! They had three corridors all worse than the one before, crossing the rivers, running over springs on ranches and just taking people’s land. Mean while big money people had started buying up land in Inglis and Yankee Town secretly hearing it was going there. This was before it was announced. Continue reading

The Supreme Court looks like it is in favor of Roe verses Wade.

A Sheriff in California is being sued by the ACLU for reporting Illegal Immigrants?????? The Border Patrol is now arresting thousands of Illegals and the Supreme Court deemed Biden’s executive Order Unconstitutional. The Law clearly says they must stay in the country that they are in for the time being.

Hillary Clinton is accused of Influence-Peddling. In my opinion Hillary Clinton, Fauci and two others were investing money into the COVID-19  came from.

2018 New records just released shows that Fauci requested a grant and was approved. To extract RNA from Bats for genetically manipulate the SARSr-CoV1 strain. It appeared a couple of years ago on the internet but quickly disappeared because the other two are heavily vested in the internet. I think Vauci plan was to develop a serum and have the only serum of it’s kind. No one ever thought that Trump would create “Warp Speed”  which led to multiple serums. When investigations are finished It will be “the biggest Crime of the Century.” Not scandal CRIME! Continue reading

By TomL


A professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, Professor Ian Plimer says the volcanic eruption in Iceland for four days has canceled all the efforts you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet.

Remember about this carbon emissions that we are trying to suppress – it is the vital chemical component that our planet requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life. I don’t know how it works but we should not mess with the balance unless the top scientist of all nations get together and agree and not politicize it! Continue reading

The news media are trying to bury the teachers. All teachers are not trying to teach “Critical Race Theory”! Actually I believe that most teacher’s are trying to teaching the normal curriculum. Reading Writing and Arithmetic.

There was a time when our Government believed that every person should have a college degree. They left to many students that slower learners behind which did the opposite. Less students were getting college degrees. They even were quoting school and going in the Military service or just getting a job not having a career in mind but just making money. That is why today after spending Billions of dollars propping up the educational system we are coming around to trades school.

If the left insist in Mail-in voting, then gun dealers should be able to sell guns by mail. Continue reading

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