Farmers I read on the internet that bamboo charcoal will get rid of rodents. Believe it or not! OK farmers there is your answer. Actually you can order it online. That would even work in the fields if it’s not to expensive, check it out!.


I am getting notes from reader which is a good sign. The notes are 99% positive. I get one from a soldier overseas. Keep the notes coming. It tell me you are a reader.


I see Texas has finally had enough of being accused of things they were not doing! The rest of the states need to follow. This administration is letting these Illegals come in.  Border Patrol was accused of drowning Illegals, but when they watched the video’s they were saving peoples from drowning. They were accused of whipping the aliens with their horse reins and they were using long reins to control the horses. Again watching the video’s and realized they were not hitting anyone. They were using the horses as barriers to stop illegal entree.


Remember the movie True Grit? We need a Rooster Caugburn for president. Get on his horse, take the reins in his teeth with, a gun in each hand and charge the bad guys. Just a scene from True Grit! Maybe something like “Donald Trump!”

I really believe that Trump will be our next President, It’s not that Biden is to old it’s because he does not always have the thought process he needs to get off the stage or go up or down the stairs. The Left is making up things and call them laws and some of the appointed judges are going along with it. I believe that oil and the border are the two things that need to be addressed the first day. Three past presidents deported millions of people that need to go home. This is not their home, this a free ride. A bunch of them pile up in a hotel room that we the tax payers pay for, they are getting credit cards, expense money. They should not be allowed to be sent home with a lot of money in their pocket. Just enough to get home. It won’t take long for the incoming will get the picture NO FREE RIDES! Get in line and ask for asylum.


I was proud that our referral lunch group (The Select Business Association) was able to donate $500 to the Fort McCow Veterans Village. We meet every first and third Wednesday for lunch at MOJO’s. Call me if you want an invite we’ll talk. It takes a special invitation to join. 352-804-1223. Only one of the same category, no acceptation’s. It cost $40 per year, we pray. we pledge, we do business and a little social talk. Each person gets a fair amount of time to talk about their business. We help each other! Call me! 352-804-1223

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