“Is anything happening with the FAIRtax? Why don’t I ever hear about the FAIRtax on tv? Will the FAIRtax ever pass?” These are a few of the questions that I hear on a fairly regular basis. Let’s take them one at a time:

“Is anything happening with the FAIRtax”:

Just a few weeks ago Steve Hayes (Chairman of Americans for Fair Taxation) was invited to testify before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Taxation in Washington, D.C. This proved to have both negative and positive results. Those members who do not like the FAIRtax and enjoy the rewards of having an incomprehensible income tax code to further their own political gains asked scripted questions to people other than Steve. They in turned gave scripted answers that misconstrued or lied about the FAIRtax without giving Steve a chance for rebuttal. Fortunately, the chairman asked Steve direct questions that gave him the opportunity to set the record straight. After the meeting, Steve was approached by 3 different Congressmen wanting to talk more about the FAIRtax. Steve is in the process now of trying to set up one-on-one sessions with these members to teach them more about the FAIRtax and find common ground in hope of pushing the FAIRtax bill forward.

Why don’t I hear about the FAIRtax on tv?”:

The FAIRtax Bill is sitting in the House Ways and Means Committee and, so far, we have not been able to get the bill out onto the floor for an open debate. It would be very helpful if our movement were financially able to put big splashy ads on tv but, unfortunately, we are an all volunteer organization with limited funding. That doesn’t mean we are invisible. We have a presence in every state and we are always looking for more volunteers and more funding. There are 5 states that our volunteers are in various stages of working with their state legislators to eliminate their state income tax and replace it with a statewide FAIRtax program. We are also on FaceBook, YouTube, X (Twitter), iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, WTOB and WAME radio in N. Carolina, WLSC radio in S. Carolina as well as having information booths at local events throughout the country. You can also browse our website at FAIRtax.org for Steve Hayes’ Chairman’s Report and Jim Bennett’s Grassroots Corner, news, information and to sign up and/or donate.

“Will the FAIRtax ever pass?”:

I believe it will because the income tax has become so complicated, inefficient and corrupt that it will eventually implode. Hopefully we can get the FAIRtax implemented before that happens as the FAIRtax is the only sensible alternative on the horizon. So keep the faith and keep pushing forward. This is a brand new year so let’s work together to make it a FAIRtax year.

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