Publisher’s Notes

This is Lane Loury watching for his daddy coming home from work. He does the same thing when his mother is coming in the driveway. He figured out at about 9 months he could push the stool to the window and stand on it and he could get a good view out the window. Mommy and daddy both drive big dodge diesel trucks so he can hear them coming. All the animals start making a racket because they know it’s feeding time at the Loury Farm.

Here we are in March and it feels like there is a full time election campaign going on. Democrats and Republicans are lying to each other, doing strategy to make a deal so they can get re-elected. Throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.  After taking a shower at night and watch an hour of Fox News I feel dirty again, and the unfortunate thing is most of what I have been hearing is what I suspected to be true.

Someone needs to go back to the Judge that gave the FBI the right to spy on the other party and ask the Judge to squash the warrant based on the fact that the information furnished was not true. Continue reading

By TomL

A little history first: Villages creator & founder was Harold Swartz. Mr. Swartz had several ventures in the Marion County area. One was a development called Lake Tropicana near Dunnellon Florida. It was a large unincorporated area that Swartz subdivided into 1.25 acre plots and 2.5 acre plots, all dirt roads. You could buy land $49 down and $49 per month. Many people took advantage of that easy to purchase deal, especially since they did not have a high down payment. It helped many people fulfill their dream of owning land.  Today they have built there won roads and maintain them.

The Villages: We will get to the sinkholes in a minute. The development started As Orange Blossom Garden which was a trailer park/prefab homes on the east side of US Hwy 441 some 30 years ago. Swartz bought the prefab home factory that he was buying from and kept evolving over years until it was over 50,000 modern built homes. They are a huge voting block and very powerful politically. Let’s go back some 30 years ago… The Villages had water rights for Cattle Ranching and Farming which allowed them the use of over 60 million gallons of water a year. Seems like a lot doesn’t it! That’s a drop in the bucket now. Continue reading

Attorney General Pam Bondi has been busy. They busted a Dentist for Medicare fraud. They were using two homeless people to bill for payment to them in exchange for them staying in a hotel expenses paid. Good job Pam, maybe you should go clean up Washington!

On a local front, I got a call from a Democrat. The caller said he had a message for Tony Powell one of our columnists. “There are at least two twenty five year residents of the Villages that think Trump is a Nazi!” I just guessed he was a democrat! I wonder why he did not just call Tony himself? Personally I think Trump is kicking butt and taking names. Trump should have shown the head of the Democratic committee the memo that proves how some of his fellow Dems have been.  Nuff said! (new word). Continue reading

By Tom Loury

The classified information just received in Congress needs to be declassified! I think we will see top people in the previous administration are neck deep in this scandal; it is much bigger than Watergate. Right now it appears that some of the top FBI agents were covering for the Clintons. They were also spying – Fox news is calling it snooping – I don’t know if it was spying. They will have to go. The Trump investigation will have to be disbanded and quit spending the taxpayer’s money at an alarming rate. Proof has been found that the subpoena was received through false information, so even if they found something they could not use it. Continue reading

Wild Fires In California:

One death was an elderly woman who had a wreck while evacuating. Another death was a Fire fighter while trying to save lives.  A horse trainer  said he saw 10 horses die, including his own horse. The Santa Anna Winds moved the fire so fast that there was no time. One minute you’re OK and the next you’re not. The residents are being told to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. If the Santa Anna  Winds would just slow down and give the Fire Team a chance to fight it!

This is the time of year we usually look back to reflect about what happened. Well I met a lot of new business people and learned about their businesses. I met Chris Boody our new Graphic Artist last year. She helped us win some Best of the Best State wide awards. Chris is doing wonders for us on the Internet. If we continue to do what we are doing right now we will do well in 2018.  We are not there yet but I see it coming together. Continue reading

What a month local and abroad. I have been at several expos and functions. The expo in the Villages was great. I had more interaction with readers than I have ever had. I had about 15 people said they read us. All but one was positive and that was a guy in the Villages that did not agree with one of the writer’s columns, which is fine. The Lady Lake Craft and Business Show under the tent at the St Timothy’s Catholic Church was a great event. Steady crowd from 10 am til 3 pm. I met some new businesses and saw some people I have not seen in a while. It was all fun and good for business.  Commissioner Ruth Kussard  came by to see me. Also Chief McKintrsy came by and said hi. There were also others commissioners that were in the crowd but I did not see them. Honey Baked Ham was selling sandwiches. They were very good and at a reasonable price. There was a vendor from Tampa that had shawls that were really something. They would make Christmas gifts. Continue reading

Where is our country going! This new scandal if it’s true will not only shake our country but it will shake the world. How could this happen you ask? GREED! Hidden documents, hidden foundation money, lies, our own government watch dogs committing crime, taking money, unlawfully surveilling American citizens and using the IRS to intimidate a political section of people. WOW!


Almost 3,000 died on 9-11. Many have forgotten. We let factions of people push us around about being patriotic. 16 years ago after 9-11 everyone was flying flags on their cars at home and at their businesses. Today we are being challenged when we fly a flag at a baseball game. At Football games we are disrespected during the national Anthem. Some of the people who attack us on 9-11 were illegal aliens. Today we are challenged when we want to check their legal status. Continue reading

By TomL

As time goes on you need to store what is going on right now in Washington. What will go as lies and as deceit get worse or as politician lose their memory, you’ll hear “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall” or “I was not aware of that”  or take the 5th! Some will face up, but I predict 5 or 6 will take the heat for all of this but none will go to jail. A number of these politicians involved are just flat not being seen. If they say there were not involved and their signature appears on a document proving otherwise, I say put them in jail. Continue reading

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