Publisher’s Notes

By TomL

When two powerful groups of people like the Republican and the Democrats disagree with the results of an election and do everything they can to change the results, or bring down the sitting president. In this case an investigation of collusion was started against Trump and their collusion is not illegal. All this time, over a year, they have searched, finding no collusion so they are now trying to get him on moral grounds again not illegal. I never thought Trump was a goody goody. He was a hard working millionaire playboy who is now President of  the United States and a hard working married man. I think I heard him say once he was not perfect! Now our federal bureau is trying to prove he is not perfect.

The Democrats are trying to start a Civil War, partly to cover up crimes that some of their leaders have committed. They should be careful what they wish for. If you don’t believe that transfer of power in this country is determined by elections. “That’s a Civil War!”

President Trump declassify all the records in this investigation and let the chips fall where they may. Let the criminals go to jail. Start construction for a big prison right in Washington DC and fill it up!


There’s an old saying in advertising that money follows eyeballs. But that’s not universally true. One of the charts from Statista shows advertisers spend the large majority of their dollars on ads targeted at television, mobile devices, and PC web browsers – the forms of media with which consumers are spending most of their time.

But the medium that ranks fourth in terms of ad revenue is print – good old fashioned newspapers. Continue reading

By TomL

I have been swamped by information coming out of the Villages and several other sources about the controversy pertaining to people speeding in the Villages. There are residents complaining about speeders and traffic on certain roads. The speeders are reported to be residents, visitors and contractors.

One persons Opinion

I was stopped a year ago April on Morse past Rio Grande on the way to #441. The cop told me the speed along there is 30mph because there are golf cart lanes alongside the car lanes. The speed limit is 35 on the roads with a separate golf cart paths and 25 thru the neighborhoods. I lose patience too but it would be a lot worse if I hit a golf cart. We “old people” break easily. I sure don’t need that on my conscience because I was trying to go a little faster. Continue reading

What have we learned from the Forest High School shooting? During a conversation with a nurse this last month, we were talking about what we learned from this shooting suspect at Forest High School. Sources say most of our resources were at Forest High when the call came in that there was another student with a gun at West Port High School. The school was locked down, the student had a gun but was not attempting to use it. Meanwhile the person that I talked to said she received a call stating the school her daughter was at was in lockdown, her daughter was safe and in the background there were people hollering, sirens blaring. Things sounded like chaos in the background. This would be easy to fix. The parents need to know if things are under control. Don’t give them a heart attack. Maybe an automatic dialing system and a brief message without the background noise.

For those of you that have not watched the video interview of the suspect in the Forest High School shooting, watch it on You will see the true story. Continue reading

By TomL

Sounds great to me. Let’s pay more taxes so the visitors can run across our state faster. Let’s connect the big cities to everything. Let’s run over family farms that don’t want to sell their property. In this case the The Coastal Connecter is building roads from Homosassa and Crystal River to north roadways to 301 north of Ocala to bring more traffic to an area that is bursting with traffic. This will be toll roads!

OK now that I got that out of my system. The state of Florida does not have a good track record when it comes to abusing permanent residents. Let’s list the abuses.

Let’s talk about what percentage of residents across the state it displaced. Let’s talk about the Turnpike because it is the Turnpike Authority enterprise that wants to build the Coastal Connector. This is the first time I have seen the word “enterprise” used. The Turnpike that is being used right now cut off the water flow of the wetlands in Florida from east to west for almost 300 miles. We watched Cypress Head dry up and die. Impact to the environment! The end of the Turnpike truck stop area is a mess. Working girls and homeless all mixed together with businesses, truckers, residents have found a place to survive. Continue reading

Each year for the eight years of Obama we have hung our heads, ate humble pie and have been taken advantage of by Russia, China, Mexico and more.

The argument today is between Trump, the media, the Democrats and a few Republicans in a power struggle. In my opinion the media other than Fox News and a few others is owned by the Democrats backed billionaires. The real money behind the media is Socialism which believes in taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor even if they are not working and not trying to better themselves. These people have gotten very wealthy with this system. They bought up media to spread their propaganda. When they can’t find something bad about the opposition candidate they make it up, FAKE NEWS!  Continue reading

By TomL

Once in a while you will see a person emerge that is special. He or she will have the energy of many people, sleep very little, work very smart and very hard. There is one very visible at the moment Donald Trump, President of the United States and he is walking tall. Some of the little weasels are scurrying around in the underbrush and some are standing on a stump telling lies trying to bring him down to their size. As long as he is alive he will never do that. I hesitate to use the words United States. Right now our states are not united. Usually you can tell the good guys from the bad guys. Today it’s hard to tell. The people that investigate the bad guys have used illegal methods, so what do we do now. We do the right thing. We follow truth and justice no matter where it goes. We follow our laws and those who broke them must be punished by our laws.  Continue reading


The shooter,  Bouche was a nineteen year drop out from Forest High School. It started out by Bouche saying his first memory was of violence. Bouche was also Baker Acted at age 14. He wanted to join the military but could not because of the Baker Act. He bought the gun from an online source and met someone to pick it up. It was a 1930’s model shotgun. He said when he actually got the gun home and he put a shell in the chamber, he got an adrenaline rush. Sources say Bouche wanted to shoot up the school on Friday the 13th but backed out. Continue reading

By TomL

Let me start from the beginning. I believe the school shootings are because of something that happened at school to set it off but it started at home! Most school shootings are about bullying and belittling a child or teenager in front of others. I am an eye witness to the bullying that goes on at school. I went to school in Broward County School system 100 years ago, time frame slightly off, but it has not changed.

In the school shooting incident in Broward County the officials were sufficiently warned: Law Enforcement was warned, FBI was warned, School Officials were warned, School Officials warned others, everyone was warned. In this case they simply needed to enforce the law. They did not! There are many suggestions on why they did not stop this young man. They are excuses. One reason given was local law enforcement stop making a lot of arrests so it would look like crime went down. Now isn’t that interesting? Someone wanted to get re-elected, instead they should be put in jail.

When I went to school in Broward County it was many years ago. I went to school first five grades in a school that had all twelve grades. You want to talk about bullying. Actually I witnessed a couple of teachers getting bullied, one deserved it. Continue reading

“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. Continue reading

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