Publisher’s Notes

By TomL

People who changed the world with one vote!

John McCain Affordable care Act voting no, Thumbs Down!!!

Now we are not even close to getting enough votes but we will in 2020!

Mitt Romney One Republican vote to impeach the President which made it bipartisan!

The problem is history. One republican vote makes it seem like a lot of republicans voted to impeach the President. Mitt Romney had a chance to reclaim his reputation. I’m afraid it is lost! We can no longer count on him!

By TomL

Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT. In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.  His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office and shared his radical leftist political views. He eventually won a Senate seat, with financial help of his wife, which he has managed to keep off and on.

For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices.

No plans for foreign policy or national security on his platform. His excuse “I’ve only been campaigning for a few months.”

Do you want to know what kind of leader Bernie is? Go to Wikipedia. It’s a long report. It is disgusting!

“American freedoms are no more than one generation away from extinction.” President Reagan

America dialed 911 and Donald Trump answered the phone. Now they are trying to stop him because the DOJ investigation is getting to deep. It is uncovering some very powerful, well liked people.

I cannot understand why we are sending all these millions of dollars to all the countries that either hate us or try to help countries that want to hurt us. Our politicians are sending their family members out to join a company or start a company in other countries where their family have influence and could collect Millions for political influence. There are many documented cases connecting a number of influential politicians and politicians’ family members. It is money laundering, kickbacks, favor for a favor but millions of our tax payer is paying for all that.  So that explains the impeachment and the rush to beat Trump because he is rooting out the crooks.

I think it runs deeper and higher than any of us could imagine!!! “Drain the Swamp!” Make them serve jail time, maybe not a lot of jail time but enough to make the others realize there is a price to pay for their crimes. Continue reading

By TomL

First I want to acknowledge the spelling of Harold Schwarz name. For years  I have seen people spell it different ways and now I have done the same thing…SORRY!

I wonder? Remember North Korea Kim said he had a Christmas present for Trump and everyone jumped at it saying he was going to do something evil??? Maybe not. Someone had to tell Trump about the terrorist, another plot to kill our people and do Cyber attacks. Someone had to tell Trump that the number one terrorist was where he was when they got him??? I wonder???


Information from the net…

Joe Biden lives in the biggest Mansion in his state and he just bought another mansion in DC. Bernie Sanders has four houses. Continue reading

How does the impeachment trial work?

After hearing the charges, the Senate usually deliberates in private. The Constitution requires a two-thirds supermajority to convict a person being impeached. The Senate enters judgment on its decision, whether that be to convict or acquit, and a copy of the judgment is filed with the Secretary of State.


Impeachment charges must be drafted in the House of Representatives. The trial for the person undergoing such occurs in the Senate, requiring two-thirds of the members present (currently 67 out of 100 senators, assuming all present) to successfully remove a public official from office.

Impeachment in the United States is the process by which a legislature (usually in the form of the lower house) brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury. Impeachment may occur at the federal level or the state level. The federal House of Representatives can impeach federal officials, including the president, and each state’s legislature can impeach state officials, including the governor, in accordance with their respective federal or state constitution. Continue reading

By TomL

We are on information overload! While some media sources report or don’t report or report facts wrong or twist facts, some news media are trying their best to report the facts. Other countries are feeding us facts that their investigating people pick up over the past few years implicating some high up personalities or politicians in wrong doing.

It comes out now that one of the FBI members that was caught lying is now lecturing at our colleges for big money. How does that happen? Who would hire him? For what purpose? To indoctrinate the young. The far left is a scary group, they run deep in our political educational world, they are well embedded, they have a lot of money and they will do whatever it takes to do the task at hand. Today it is to take down a sitting President of the United States. The far left is trying to destroy our Constitution. We must stop that if we want to live in a country that has a dream. The American Dream. Who was that said “I have a Dream!” MLK. Of course I know who said it. Continue reading

First I am not going to make any resolutions yet!!! The past year has been challenging with readers thinking that because a story or letter is in my paper, it’s my belief. Remember my job is to bring you everyone’s opinion. I am still struggling to get Automobile ads in my papers. I need one for Ocala papers and one for the Villages papers.

One of the new and exciting things that happened was we won four Statewide awards, two I will mention. One was our Graphics Designer Christine Boody, who won first place best online Digital Graphics Design. I was lucky enough to win first place “Best Editorial,” on subject “What is a Political Pac.”

We had another honor; at least I consider it an honor. The University of Florida has asked permission to put our Ocala paper in their Digital Library. I am pleased for that opportunity.

I am in the process of learning a little bit about the re-fi world and how hard it is to get a mortgage rate under 4%. When you do there is a lot of information you must supply. Continue reading

Village Spectator / Lady Lake Magazine

Results from our newspapers Questionnaire November

Question…What will you spend money on next year?




Auto & Truck

Arts & Crafts


Cell ph/ Smart ph

Home Improvement

Medical Services



Health Club





Home Air-conditioning

Lawn care

Golf Equipment

Auto Maintenance

Real Estate

Tax adviser


Home Heating


Financial Planner

Legal Gambling


Golf Cart































Continue reading

By TomL

In The Early Days…

I have been reading accounts that Harold Swartz Dream is being changed. All these people talking about Swartz and Morris dream being changed. I met Harold Swartz in the first year he started the Orange Blossom Gardens. That was the Villages first name. In Dunnellon Florida it was Lake Tropicana and Rainbow Lakes Estates. I printed Villages first newspaper in Inverness Florida, Orange Blossom Gardens. I actually recommended an Editor-in-Chief to Harold Swartz that was more than qualified. She lasted about three months. She thought she was going to run a newspaper. Not true.

At that time I met Harold Swartz. Swartz Junior, yes I said Swartz junior and Morris. Swartz Junior was a millionaire playboy. He was not born to make the Villages grow. He wanted to play. They put him in charge of the Golf Courses before they were a big business.

Harold Swartz’ original dream was that he wanted his own city, his own bank, his own grocery stores, and all of his own retail stores. He wanted golf cart access to his whole city. He could not achieve all at once but he came pretty close at the end. The whole idea was to give people of all levels of wealth a millionaire life style. Continue reading

By TomL & Friends / Ocala DownTown / Seniors Voice of Ocala

MOJO’s SBA referral Club met at MOJO’s next to Target on 200. We had a small celebration with three different appetizers on the table: fried pickles; fried green beans; something called a mess??? It had waffle fries, meat, chili, cheese…I don’t know, it probably changes every day, but it was good. All of our members attending had different meals and were very pleased.

Gruff’s Restaurant, Dunnellon Fl. Used to be the Dinner Bell Restaurant. It has stepped up in the world. I had dinner there the other night. Service was good, dinner was delicious, prices were moderate. A pleasant experience. Continue reading

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