By TomL

Dr. Paul Banerjee is the Medical Director for Polk County Fire Rescue, Polk County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team, Dr. Banerjee is board certified in Emergency Medicine and is an Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine at the University of Central Florida School of Medicine, Mercer University School of Medicine and the University of South Florida School of Medicine. Dr. Banerjee was an EMS 10, 2017 Innovator of the year and the State of Florida Medical Director of the year in 2012. Dr Banerjee is also a member of the Metropolitan Collaboration of EMS Medical Directors……

What do you think of all those certifications? Dr. Paul Banerjee recently gave a talk on COVID-19. During his talk he gave facts about how long the virus could live on different surfaces. Plastics, stainless steel, cardboard box etc. Then he gave statistics about the outbreak itself and the fact that the virus is very similiar to other viruses that we have had around for years. Yes it’s bad but there are many good things being tested right now that is showing promise. He said he would not take a vaccine until it has been used for a year. Your chance of catching the COVID-19 is .24 of one percent. That means we have a 99.76 chance of not getting it. One of the questions ask is the COVID-19 numbers inflated. He said he had not seen signs of that. My estimation is if you are a Doctor and you get $10,000 for every patient of yours that is dialogist with COVID-19, what would you do? I’m only asking???

Dr. Paul Banerjee, Medical Director

Polk County Fire Rescue<>

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