By TomL

I have to keep the location out of this story. It is an incident still colmenating.

In September I complained in writing to a persons  a email address that no one else would see, about a persons educate that effected a small group of people. Basically this small group of people stand in the drizzling rain were waiting in line for their turn and another person butted ahead of them. I complained to the person by email. Signed my name and with my phone number. A guy who was a friend of his did not like what I had to say. While ranting at me on the phone he mentioned he did not care how big I was, how long a body part is, who I knew bla bla bla and then he called me a CONSERVATIVE I said what? How dare you! I answered when the guy took a breath and said I am a hard core Republican Conservative!

At the end about ten minutes we agreed to disagree. That afternoon I looked up conservative. The dictionary missed a few thing that describe  me.

One place it says holding traditional values, again I agree in favoring private enterprise, private ownership and social traditional ideas. It also says right-winger reactionary, diehard. On the internet it says…

Conservatives are group of individuals, mostly republicans who have a different view or philosophy in the political world. Conservatives have both a political and social philosophy that allows traditional institutions to be upheld and maintained in the government

BUT they left out a few thing……….

I believe in family, god, and country, friends and my right to bare arms. I guess I need to learn how to back up a little but so far unless the odds are outrageously high I won’t. I would not want to get someone else hurt! I have been known to shut up which some times is best. You know…It does not matter how much you argue when you are wrong you are wrong and I told him about his Assets. oops wrong spelling. I think you got the idea.


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