By Tom

WOW I am not surprised about the findings of the Durham Report. I suspected what happened but by Durham proving it was unexpected and showing us a unredacted copy. Remember it was Hillary Clinton that started all this, then the FBI and DOJ did not prove it wrong but endorsed it. I will never forget Nancy Pelosi as speaker standing before the House and said “Donald Trump will never become President again NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!” I take that very serious. So we have Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, Adam Schift and more with the same agenda! Then the FBI and the DOJ. I am not hearing as much about the DOJ, I wonder why?

No matter what you think Donald Trump had the election stolen from him! The film 2,000 Mules which many refuse to watch prove it was a large effort of people stuffing ballot boxes and they were film doing it! Only a few were brought to justice and prosecuted being charged with stuffing ballot boxes, although they were being filmed by federal camera’s!

I think Trump should have a redo or they need to charge the Bidens and get it over with. They are guilty of Treason. Obama knew about what was going on and he allowed it. Ohhh, maybe he is the BIG GUY? Anyway Trump is draining the swamp thru loyal America loving legal annalist and investigators. Say what you want it would not have been found out without a TRUE AMERICAN investigating and reporting.

Where do we go from here? Prosecute those who broke the law replace them with honest, true law abiding Americans with pride in our country. Will Biden step in and give them amnesty and set them free? probably. How much will the people take before they react.

GONE FISHING  I bought a boat almost 40 yrs ago at YankeeTown Marina  so my fishing partner, Bill and I went to launch the boat there. Bill and I have a few difficulties getting around especially while launching a boat. These guys a Yankee Town Marina help in every way with the launch. They have frozen bait, ice, live bait and they were very friendly. For you boat owners the marina is fresh water we were going to salt water, when you come into the the boat ramp it flushes your motor out with fresh water. There are lots of advantages to using YankeeTown Marina. Try them you’ll like them!

With that I have to tell you a fish story. A couple of weeks ago I was lucjy enough to go fishing in the ocean with a friend. While fishing, a fish pulled a fishing pole out of the boat, I dove for it just to miss it by inches. I tried for a half hour to snag it with a treble hook to no avail. I told my fishing partner if the lord wanted me to have it back I would have snagged it, so I went back to fishing. I was pretty much down about it! About an hour later I got a bite and tried to set the hook, missed the fish, as I was winding up my line I got something that felt like grass. I remarked I have some grass. As the grass got closer the tip of the rod I lost came straight up not on an angle but straight up out of the water. My fishing partner said holy mackrel is that a sign or dumb luck. I was the happiest guy in the ocean. My son Justin had given me that fishing reel for Christmas. Was it a sign? I think so!

the end

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