My bill, the REINS Act, passed out of the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation is a core part of House Republicans’ mission to reintroduce government accountability and to restore Congress’ role to check the regulatory actions of federal agencies. I’m grateful to the overwhelming support of my colleagues on this bill, and now, it’s just one step closer to becoming law.
Additionally, I was proud to host my colleagues on the House Agriculture Committee in Newberry earlier this week for a listening session on the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill. Farmers from across the state gathered by the hundreds to solicit critical feedback about the issues they’re facing in their industries. It was an honor to host the one-and-only listening session for the Farm Bill in the entire state of Florida.
With all that’s happening this Congress, it is my greatest honor to represent you and hear from you about the issues that matter most. You can read below about what we’ve been up to this week, and as always, you can stay up to date with us here, on our website, and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
For Freedom,
Congresswoman Kat Cammack Proudly Representing Florida’s Third Congressional District