How much does government cost? That is a powerful question and the answer is: nobody really knows. The government has no money of its own. All they have is tax money extracted from the citizens and so many taxes are hidden that no one can say for sure just how much the government costs. Each year we spend money, time and energy to fill out income tax forms to find out how much it costs us individually to keep government running and fulfill our national and international obligations. The Income Tax is so convoluted that most individuals need to spend money on tax preparers or tax software to complete these forms. An entire industry has arisen to help people combat the I.R.S. if they get audited. In my opinion, any law that spawns such an industry to get around it, is a bad law to begin with and should be repealed. However, if you repeal the Income Tax you need to replace it with something better and that is the FAIRtax.

Under the FAIRtax, individuals know how much they are contributing to the government because it is shown on their receipts. You can choose how much tax you pay by your spending habits. Remember, under the FAIRtax, once an item is taxed once it is not taxable again. “Used” items are not taxed. You are anonymous (just like with the state sales taxes) so there will be no individual audits. In fact, there will be no need for the IRS at all, saving millions of dollars each year in government costs. And as an added bonus, you will be paying for items with pre-taxed dollars as there will be no federal withholding from paychecks under the FAIRtax.

The FAIRtax is fair to all income levels, easy to understand and allows for a transparency that the income tax cannot match. For more information please go to and browse our website, listen to our podcasts and watch our videos. Once you understand it, you will demand it!

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