Health, Home & Family

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2 qt. apple cider

6 c. water

1 c. kosher salt

1/4 c. packed brown sugar

4 cinnamon sticks

3 sprigs fresh rosemary

1 orange, quartered

1 tsp. whole cloves

1 tsp. whole peppercorns

1 (8-lb.) whole turkey, giblets removed

FOR ROASTING Continue reading

by J.D. Schramm

(NAPSI)—The first time I heard about Crisis Text Line was when one of my students shared information about this mental health support service in one of my classes on strategic storytelling. I was doubtful that a text messaging service, provided entirely by trained volunteers, could make a difference in people’s lives. Yet, I was intrigued and curious. The first time I contacted Crisis Text Line, by texting 741741 from my iPhone, was Thanksgiving of 2019. I had just lost one of my best friends to a brain tumor. My husband and I had decided it was too costly for me to return home for the funeral. This is when my grief started to set in. I was truly struggling. My own depression, which I’d faced since my teens, was “‘nudging at me” again. Then, add in holiday pressures, bickering over the trivial with my family, and trying to keep the kids engaged and off their devices–I was at the end of my rope that day. Without anybody else in the house knowing, I reached out and a complete stranger helped me to a place of calm. It was all I needed at that moment. I felt sheepish “taking up their time” when others had more pressing problems. The volunteer assured me that my needs mattered too.  Continue reading

(NAPSI)—When it comes to combating polio, there’s good news, bad news and better news.

The good news is that efforts to eradicate the dreaded disease have been going on for decades. Back in the disease’s peak years in the 1940s and 50s, it affected between 13,000 and 20,000 people in the United States each year, many of them children. Thousands died. Many others were permanently paralyzed. Then Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin developed vaccines and the number of cases dropped. As of August 30, 2023, only seven cases of “wild polio virus” (two in Pakistan, five in Afghanistan) have been detected in 2023.

The bad news is that even one case of polio is one too many, and while cases of polio have fallen over 99% worldwide since 1988, a variant of the polio virus is causing outbreaks and consuming critical resources needed to stop the transmission of wild poliovirus. What’s more, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted efforts to combat vaccine-preventable diseases, including polio. Continue reading

New Tools Help Teachers Improve Student Literacy

The Problem

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, an organization that measures academic performance of students from across the country, has long term data that shows 9-year-old students scored, on average, five points lower in reading in 2022 than did their pre-pandemic peers in 2020. The declines represent the largest drops in decades.

Fortunately, educators don’t have to combat this issue alone. As part of the Discover Literacy education program, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, National Afterschool Association and Discovery Education created five short, animated videos to help teachers and other school professionals master best practices for literacy instruction.  Continue reading

Mission BBQ (stylized as MISSION BBQ) is an American barbecue restaurant chain based in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Bill Kraus and Steve Newton opened the first location on September 11, 2011, as a way to support the military, police, firefighters, and first responders.

I must have been a sleep at the wheel. I have never been to Mission BBQ. When I try to tell people about my new experience at Mission BBQ they they have already been there. I thought it was a best kept secret. It was not! I had the best brisket on a bun than I have had in years. You could get it wet or lean. The wet had some marbling and was very moist and tender, I will do that again. I will go online and see what else they have to offer but the people were friendly, the service was out of sight and the food was over the wall.

(NAPSI)—There may be a problem lurking in your house that you can’t even see: dirty ducts. But that doesn’t have to be.

The Issue

Even with the proper use of filters, your home’s heating and cooling system gets really dirty through normal, everyday use, just as surfaces in your home get dusty over time.

All sorts of contaminants and air pollutants—bacteria, pet dander, dust, skin cells, mold, tobacco smoke, even chemicals—get pulled into an HVAC system and recirculate through the home several times a day, building up in the system.

Worse, rodents and insects can chew their way into the ductwork to travel throughout your home, build nests and leave droppings. Telltale signs include chewed materials, unpleasant smells, and bacteria contaminating the air you breathe. Continue reading

(NAPSI)—Here’s news to help you breathe easier: Although respiratory virus season is upon us, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. How? Make sure you’re up to date on all of your vaccinations. Following vaccination, it takes time for your body to build protection against the flu, COVID-19 and RSV, so it’s recommended that you get the vaccines you’re eligible for as soon as possible to support your health and the health of your community.

Vaccinations help prevent the flu, COVID-19 and RSV

Getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting vaccinated early in the fall, before flu season begins, ideally before the end of October. It’s especially important to protect at-risk populations—adults 65 and older, those with certain immunocompromising or chronic medical conditions, infants or children under 5 and pregnant women—from severe illness.  Continue reading

March 23, 2023. Pajaro, California. Gustavo Baez, Pajaro, California homeowner, hugs American Red Cross volunteer, Cindy Huge. and thanks, her, and the many volunteers for caring about his community. Photo by Jaka Vinsek/American Red Cross

(NAPSI)—Families across the country cope with the effects of the climate crisis as extreme storms, wildfires, heat and floods grow in frequency and intensity. In fact, one of the nation’s leaders in disaster relief, the American Red Cross, now responds to nearly twice as many large disasters across the country as it did a decade ago.

National Preparedness Month in September is an important reminder to help your family and pets stay safe by taking action now with three simple steps: Get a kit, make a plan and be informed.

Get a Kit

Build your emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day; non-perishable food; a flashlight; and a battery-powered radio. Also include a first aid kit, medications, supplies for infants or pets, a multi-purpose tool and personal hygiene items. Don’t forget to add copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information. Continue reading

Cooking, girl or women bond helping with milk in dessert, breakfast food or sweet recipe in house or family home kitchen. Happy, smile or baking parent, senior grandmother or learning Brazilian child

(NAPSI)—Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 through October 15, celebrates legacies from past generations. In many Latino cultures, that includes lessons mothers share with their children on taking care of the home and family. That’s one reason this month (and all through the year), many people like to recognize mothers and the Hispanic-owned brands that are dedicated to helping them keep a wonderfully clean home.

For example, AlEn USA is the North American subsidiary of one of the most recognized companies in the household cleaning products category in Mexico: Industrias AlEn S.A de C.V (Grupo AlEn). Since its beginning in 1949, Grupo AlEn has pioneered well-known consumer brands popular in Mexico.

For many Hispanic moms, fragrance is a top priority when it comes to a clean home. They feel nothing says “te amo” like soft, fresh smelling laundry, and Ensueño Max fabric softener will ensure that everything from socks to sweatshirts has a long-lasting scent and that your fabrics stay soft and wear well.

One product many Hispanic families have in their cleaning cabinet is Pinalen Original, a pine oil-based cleaner that degreases, fights stains, shines floors, and more. Not only does Pinalen Original have the highest percentage of pine oil compared to any other pine-based cleaner on the market, the manufacturer harvests the pine oil from a sustainable, company-owned plantation in Mexico.

As for the well-loved surfaces in Mom’s home that could use some elbow grease, there’s Cloralen Multipurpose Cleaner. It eliminates stains and grease in even such tough-to-clean spots as bathroom tile, kitchen counters, toilet tanks and more.

Then your mother and entire family can enjoy a clean kitchen in which to cook and share a festive meal.

(NAPSI)—If any of the approximately 74 million schoolchildren in the U.S. is someone you care about, here’s something you may want to look into: According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), visual health can have a great influence on students’ academic performance. Visual disorders, the NIH says, are one of the best predictors of educational success.

A Look Into The Eye

The eye is literally an extension of the brain. It is estimated that more than 60% of the brain has some duties associated with vision input, the American Optometric Association points out. Because of this, any condition that hampers vision or the processing of vision may result in learning problems. When diagnosed and treated early, however, most individuals have a better chance of learning efficiently. Continue reading

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