By tomL

I Had a Dream! Not I have a dream! I had a dream about what is going on in the world and our country.

Remember the song “Just a Dream / Just a dream. All our Plans and all our Schemes??????

The way the dream started was right after the Trump verdict I could not sleep. I sat down in my recliner that night with Fox News on slept and woke up every once in a while and it seemed the news was part of my dream. Scholars and legal analyst came from everywhere saying the trial was not real, maybe it was just a dream. Mine was a dream! So what comes next? Do they finish crucifying him, or do they want to drag him through the streets of New York some more. Do they want to lock him away out of hearing and out of sight. I think the cause would just keep growing!

Well that happened to me. Once up on a time there was a man who loved his Country and as he was serving  his cause and helping his country, he realized many were trying to use politics to benefit themselves and attack him. Then he realized he needed to dedicate himself to the cause not the benefit. The cause was to make all men and women equal under the law. Let’s make something clear men are men and women are women and some are trying to force themselves into the opposite sex category, they want to be winners of tournaments and compete in life where they could win. Others are the Gay Rights  and thats their life to live. As my dream continues I remember waking up from time to time and hearing Fox News on TV and then the Dream continues… Back in the days there were Kings and they had all the power the King  not wanting the people thinking the person fighting for justice was more popular than him so started to under mine him, but It did not work because he had a cause. Remember in Biblical times? They drug him thru the streets of New York a place he was born. raised and helped build to crucify him in the eyes of his followers. Remember this is “Just a dream” The King found him guilty of charges that did not ever exist. So they created them.

His followers have appealed to his supreme rulers, Our Supreme Court and they stayed silent. Many scholars from everywhere say the ruling was illegal but the Supreme Court stays silent. In a very short time his followers grew to a tremendous following for this cause, raise million’s of followers for what the King did to him, he was “Martered!” the king made up what was against him and making the cause out of reach of the people. JUSTICE is a Cause??? Politics is a job with power.

“Believe in the Constitution  of the United States” The followers are following the man and showing their support but half of it is the cause that he stands for. He is in the way of the King in control so let’s crucify him. I recently heard someone say “He is after you not me but I’m standing in his way”. So what do you do? I will fight for a honest election. Here you have to make a decision between who is good and who is evil. “You stand with the truth or some day die as a lier!”. Remember this was “Just a dream!” Can I be prosecuted for a dream? In New York probably. Everyone should see the video 2,000 mules. Then you would understand what they have done.

I say just turn him loose and let the street fight begin. When this man said he was going to drain the swamp it made a lot of people nervous after all that scares people, they are just like us people the IRS / DOJ / FBI / ETC ETC. But we have to remember the these people working at a job and when their leaders tell them to jump they jump. I am a very old man and I think I have pick up some wisdom along the way of life. After all I learn that the elderly had a lot of wisdom to share but most are silent just like the Supreme Court. I know they have to move slow and precise but remember. “When it’s to late…. It’s to late!“  Wake up from my dream and make thing better again!

IT”S “Just a Dream? All our plans  and all our schemes!”

Hopefully it’s not The End of my dream! I woke up and heard Gutfeld on Fox News say there should be a Wanted Poster with Trumps picture on it that says WANTED as President by the American people.

REMEMBER It was Just a dream! What say you.


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