By TomL

I can hear the rumblings on the streets. The “left” has thrown everything they have, then I hear Rumblings “Trump is coming” and the people are coming with him. That is the important part. When he brings the masses with him as he has been doing, we can make him President  and swear him in and he can fire Joe.

Our inflation is up beyond what we can endure and still he prints money and tries to buy votes with it! Unless the left pulls something shady and gets away with it. The people will still follow him. He is not always a goody goody but he gets things done that we need done. Not aways the way we want it done but completed. It will be a super challenge to him to undue the damage but he and the people can fix it! To Trump … Hire the right loyal  people to and clean up this mess, we know you can do it!

TRUMP IS COMING I hear the rumbling on the street, so VOTE FOR HIM if you want us to prosper in 2025. I want my Son’s to prosper and their children to prosper. THE LOURY FARM!

Be an American, have faith, pray and vote.

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