Think about what your going to do on election day. You will get all kinds of pressure to vote for a curtain person. Ask yourself how did he preform while he was in office. Was your life better for it?

What will happen if Trump wins? Oil  drilling will increase right away. the Auto Industry will bounce back, the coal industry will open back up, people will actually have jobs they can be proud of. We will have new refinery’s. We will close the border the same day. We will make a decision about the immigrant’s in this country. Most will go. The really bad ones will go to prison or go back to the prison they came out of.

If Biden wins? OH MY GOSH! More of the same. Social Security might disappear. Healthcare will suffer. Remember Socialist don’t believe the elderly should be alive. The very young and the very old is none productive. The immigrant’s are over running our country now I can’t imagine what it will be like in five months or next year. Hunter will go back to his old tricks.

On the debate stage Biden is going to say I am debating Trump is a convicted Felon and Trump will say  I’m debating someone that is to old and to senile to prosecute. Then there will be chaos.

Trump is coming and the working people are coming with him. I mean the black, whites, Espanic’s, all the people Biden has lied too all  these years. There will be a few hard decisions to make and some fighting but the patriots of America will win! They won’t have to die on a foreign beach head.


Read your doctor report asking “Is a Drug with 32 side effects right for you?”

I have exceeded the limits of my doctors prescription drugs.


Do you see all the immigrants coming across the border with cell phones in their hands????

It’s a Federal Program that is legal for them to use as a solution for them to receive information that pertains to Status in US, Healthcare, housing, EBT Entitlement, notification and information. The funding is tucked away in bill, appropriated by some existing law or Executive order.

Regardless it’s a bunch of wasteful spending of our Government. The Wireless Industry was lobbying the House to approve or appropriate $7B for 2024 to provide Tablets to Entitlement Families.  It didn’t get approved.


Commander, the President Biden Family dog bit just Secret service personnel over 20 times. The white house staff who knows how many times. Many White House service personnel have adjustd their schedule to avoid the dog.


Going across our nation are movements about hating our country. Get the hell out of our country. You did not make it what it is our ancestors did. You think it’s cool to be a part of a movement. Well I have a movement every morning if I’m lucky. Some times it’s a great  task.

Send us a letter to the editor. PO Box 1698 Dunnellon Florida or email me and put your phone number at the end of the letter so I can verify you sent it. Last name will not be used.

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