Remember – Light it UP!

Many people ask, how can I keep my house safe from potential burglars?   Here are a few tips about home security lighting to help prevent break-ins to your home:

Keep the outside of your home well lit!  Keeping the outside of your home well lit can help to deter any would be criminals by shedding light on all possible areas of entry into your home. This can be done with flood lights or well-placed landscape lighting.

Front porch/entry lighting: Keeping your front porch light on while you are away can give the facade of being home even if you are on a week-long vacation. This can be achieved by purchasing a timer that will turn the lights on and off at certain times of the day that can be set differently for each day to give the illusion that you are home. Continue reading

The Sabal Trail Gasline is rolling through Marion County. Two years ago the Gasline authorities held meetings about informing the public of their intentions, then last year they held townhall meetings in all then small communities and things were about to calm down, when they started digging and people realized oh this gasoline is here now they started protesting, by this time most of the gasoline deals had been made with the land owners effected. I was one of those, yes the gasoline went right through the little acre Loury farm. One year ago when there were no protest I realized it was going to happen no matter what. I instructed my attorney to get me the best deal she could and she did. Continue reading

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. This freedom from the establishment of a state religion and the protection of free speech establishes the protection of religious speech and expression as well. There have been many challenges by the ACLU and others at public schools across America and in Florida to sterilize the schools of religious expressions using the establishment clause; however, this clause was intended to declare religious freedom in the US and to escape the establishment of state religion as was common in governments of the old world. Continue reading


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