WASHINGTON, DC — Representative Kat Cammack joined Chip Roy (TX-21) and a group of 48 GOP House members in introducing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to protect U.S. elections.

Since President Biden took office, millions of illegal aliens have poured into our country illegally and many are given the opportunity to register to vote in federal elections. The SAVE Act would thwart Democrat efforts to cement one-party rule by upholding and strengthening current law that permits only U.S. citizens to vote in Federal elections.

Representative Roy said, “Secure elections are a key cornerstone for any representative government; without them, we won’t have a country. Radical progressive Democrats know this and are using open border policies while also attacking election integrity laws to fundamentally remake America. That’s why I am proud to introduce the SAVE Act with Speaker Johnson and my Republican colleagues, along with the invaluable support of citizens and organizations that recognize we must end the practice of non-citizens voting in our elections.”

“As we approach the 2024 elections, the American people must have absolute certainty in the integrity of our election system. This bill would fortify federal elections by ensuring that only American citizens vote in American elections. I am grateful to Congressman Roy for his important leadership on this critical issue and for introducing this legislation in the House,” said Speaker Mike Johnson.

“Illegal immigrants and non-citizens across the nation are being improperly registered to vote, allowing them to cast illegitimate ballots in federal elections,” said Senator Mike Lee, who has companion legislation in the Senate. “At a time when trust in voting is more important than ever, we must stop foreign election interference and pass the SAVE Act. Voting is both a sacred right and responsibility of American citizenship, and allowing the people of other nations access to our elections is a grave blow to our security and self-governance. I’m proud to stand with Chip Roy to save our democratic process and representative government.”

The SAVE Act would protect and preserve the right of American citizens to vote by:

  • Requiring states to obtain proof of citizenship – in person – when registering an individual to vote.
  • Requiring states to remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.
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