Villages/Lady Lake

Lady Lake Chamber host a Nothing but Networking Luncheon every month. Here is a picture from that luncheon at the Water Front Inn in the Villages. The people at this table are all business people networking with each other. When you sit there and have lunch and listen to how each other’s businesses work and what is a perfect referral for them, then they can help each other. It’s like a hundred sales people on the street.

Several months ago we ran a picture of Bob Irwin of Bob’s Coins and Jewelry in Summerfield Florida catching his record fish. It was the largest marlin the captain’s boat had caught off Aruba. The Caption estimated the fish to be 500 lbs and 12 ft long. The marlin was caught in record time 17 min 49 seconds. The fish ran under the boat to cut the line on the prop 7 minutes into the fight. The prop then spun the line around enough times to reconnect the line to itself and continue the fight. At 17 minutes 44 seconds as the mate bent down to unhook the fish the stainless steel hook snapped and the fish released itself! The first and only stainless steel hook to ever break on that boat!

What an adventure‼  Bob’s fish replica is now on display at Bob’s Coin & Jewelry. It’s located at Spruce Creek Terrace Shoppes.

As the mercury climbs as we head into summer, I thought it appropriate to discuss heat-related illness for this edition of the newsletter. In Central Florida, we enjoy warm weather almost year-round, but during the summer months, heat can cause serious health issues especially for the very young and the not-so-very young, too. Across the United States, many people die from heat-related illnesses, and many more are hospitalized with life-threatening conditions. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are two heat-related illnesses that are both emergencies. The good news is that heat-related illness can be prevented. Practicing a few simple tips can help keep you cool and healthy during the hot spells. But first, let’s explore the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion with a little consultation from our Emergency Medical Services partners from Lake County and the Villages Public Safety Department. Continue reading

Lady Lake, FL  July 6,2018 –  The Lady Lake Area Chamber of Commerce awarded Just Dandy Pet Parlor with The Chamber Super Hero Award in recognition of their work with the Town of Lady Lake animal control and other local adoptions agencies, fostering and adopting out homeless animals from their business.

Just Dandy Pet Parlor is owned and operated by Jean Oliver and is located at 978 Bichara Blvd. On any given day you will find cats or dogs in her lobby looking for their forever home. Just Dandy also accepts donations of all pet supplys that she then distributes to our local humane societies.

Pictured L to R:  Leslie DeCesare, Marketing Lady Lake Area Chamber, Jean Oliver, owner of Just Dandy Pet Parlor, Donna Oates, Chamber Ambassador

The Lady Lake Chamber has an event each month that encourages Businesses to network. They call it “Nothing But Networking” and it is held at different area restaurants that can accommodate 40 to 50 people. Pictured here after I had just handed out free Village Spectators newspaper’s to all attendees. This table playfully held up our papers, which made a great picture for me to promote the paper. Thanks to all at the table! If you are interested in knowing more about the Lady Lake Chamber call 352-753-6029.


Writers to Benefit from Editor’s Expertise

Many writing workshops are taught by writers, but Ocala-based editor Karin Nicely will be approaching the process from a different point of view.

“A lot of programs encourage authors to just get their story down without structure or planning—in other words, utilizing freewriting techniques. But that can result in some serious issues, which often become time-consuming and costly to fix at the editing stage.”

Ms. Nicely, who has worked with publishing houses such as Prentice Hall and Southwestern Collegiate, now works primarily with independent authors in several genres. With her writing workshops, to be held locally in The Villages, she hopes to make the road from concept to writing to publishing easier and more enjoyable for her clients.  Continue reading

Business To Business Expo was held at Water Oak Club House and was sponsored by the Lady Lake Chamber. The Business to Business started a few years back. It is not open to the public,  just participating businesses. There were eight rows of vendors. The first four rows would go spend a set amount of time at the other four rows. Each time the timer went off you would advance to the next vendor. The vendor would talk to the business people in front of them until the timer went off again and they would advance to the next vendor. It can get kind of complex but it was well organized by Sue Kelley and the Chamber volunteers. The pictures here are just a few of the businesses. Continue reading

The best way to reduce the risk of a traffic crash is to practice safe driving behavior.   Here are some helpful tips to keep you safe.  All of the following information is readily available from driver handbooks and other government agencies:

When you’re behind the wheel of a car – whether alone or with passengers – driving safely should always be your top concern.  We are more distracted than ever, so it’s crucial to know the basics of safe driving and practice them every time you’re on the road.  Your safety, and the safety of others depend on it.


It is the motorist’s responsibility to do everything possible to avoid colliding with any pedestrians. Bicyclists, skaters and skateboarders in a crosswalk or driveway are considered pedestrians. Turning motorists must yield to pedestrians at intersections with traffic signals.  Motorists must yield to pedestrians crossing the street or driveway at any marked mid-block crossing, driveway or intersection without traffic signals. Continue reading

Fishing off Aruba: Bob Irwin of Bob’s Coins & Jewelry, Inc. and Wendy Netherclift of TomL Publishing LLC pictured in Aruba on a fishing trip. Bob said he wanted to target a Marlin and that’s what he did. The Marlin weight was approximately 450-500 lbs 12’ long, the largest Marlin the Charter Boat Captain had ever seen on that side of the island. It was caught and release. They were fishing in 1600 feet of water. The trip also caught 8 tuna 70-80 lbs and 5 tuna 20-30 lbs.

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