Health, Home & Family

(NAPS)—E-mail security is not the problem­—it’s how we use e-mail that is the problem. There has been no lack of press and attention regarding the insecurity of e-mail and the consequences of account hacking. Look no further than the latest elections, the Sony Pictures hack, the latest Yahoo compromise, etc. We hear about the problem all the time. What is missing from all the discussion is how to solve the problem.

E-mail in its stock form is inherently insecure but that does not mean that it must stay that way. With a little bit of effort, one can confidently send secure e-mail with virtually no risk of the contents being compromised.

An analogy is that of a car and a seat belt. Cars are useful and largely safe. But we can make them safer by buckling up. While seat belts were not used regularly for many years, today, we understand their benefit and they are widely used. We need to make e-mail safe and secure and we can do this when e-mail encryption becomes as widely used. So get ready to buckle up before sending. Continue reading

(NAPS)—According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Small Business Administration, 80 percent of the 28.8 million U.S. small businesses have no employees, placing a heavy burden on the business owner when it comes to juggling every detail of running a company. From IT issues to customer service and even facilities management, a small-business owner must be a jack-of-all-trades.

Fortunately, some banks are recognizing the need for more specialized support for small-business owners and are carving out a niche to better serve them.

Here are three ways small-business owners can get more from their banking partner:

Relationships Matter

Banks that specialize in serving small-business clients understand the financial pressures they face and will assign a relationship manager with expertise to help them endure the challenges of today’s competitive market. Relationship managers can be a small-business owner’s best resource when it comes to managing finances; they can anticipate needs, troubleshoot, and provide a wide array of products and solutions to help clients achieve their goals. Small-business owners who take the time to get to know their relationship managers can find them to be valuable and trusted partners. Continue reading

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