Health, Home & Family

(NAPSI)—If yours is among the nearly seven in 10 U.S. households with pets, you may be glad to learn of a good way to keep them healthy. Hemp seed, krill and salmon oil are some of nature’s best sources of natural essential fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6 (EPA and DHA).

Why Pets Need Them

Essential fatty acids cannot be produced in the body and must be supplied by other sources to help ensure optimal health and wellness for your pet from the inside out. In addition to fatty acids, hemp seed oil contains phytonutrients and antioxidants. Krill oil also contains phospholipids, astaxanthin and high amounts of natural antioxidants, all of which work with salmon oil to support overall health and wellness. In addition, the unique combination of the oils helps support healthy joint function and helps to maintain proper skin moisture and respiratory health for occasional or seasonal allergies. Continue reading

(NAPSI)—Many retirees share a fear of gradually losing their ability to think as clearly as they used to or remember simple information such as other people’s names. And while everyone has the occasional “senior moment,” medical research indicates that aging by itself is generally not a cause of cognitive decline.

“Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits,” according to Harvard Medical School’s Healthbeat newsletter.

Here are four simple steps to keep your mind sharp at any age:

  1. Exercise: It’s important to stay physically active. Simple routines such as taking exercise classes at your health club or taking walks in your neighborhood every day can do wonders for your mental health. Just get moving. “The cognitive benefits of exercise have been understood for so long,” notes the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
  2. Serve: Research published by the American Psychological Association found that volunteering in later life “is associated with significant psychosocial, physical, cognitive and functional benefits for healthy older adults.” Science is now confirming what many have learned by experience: People often feel better after they have served others and enjoyed the time spent helping someone else.
  3. Learn: Experts think that ongoing education and learning new things may help keep you mentally sharp simply by getting you in the habit of staying mentally active. Take a class from a senior center or community college, make it a habit to visit the library and pick up a new book each week. “Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them,” according to Harvard Medical School.
  4. Finances: A study published by The Journals of Gerontology found that “financial strain was a strong and robust predictor of worsening mental health” among older adults, including anxiety and depression symptoms. Another way to help keep yourself mentally healthy in retirement is to make sure you have ample cash on hand to help pay off unexpected health care bills or fund any renovations that might need to be made to your home. Many seniors are surprised to learn that one potential asset for generating immediate cash is a life insurance policy.

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(NAPSI)—Here’s a new take on an old favorite. Loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals, it’s easy to make. Serve with an array of garnishes, allowing diners to customize their bowls.

California Sweet Potato Chili Serves 6

2 T oil

1 lb ground beef, turkey, chicken or pork

Salt and pepper

1 onion, diced

1 red bell pepper, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 T chili powder Continue reading

FFREE English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at First Baptist Church of Ocala, 2801 SE Maricamp Road, Ocala, FL 34471.  Classes are held every Wednesday and begin promptly at 6:00 p.m.  Classes are taught by certified ESL teachers.  There are also provisions for child care and additional programs for teens and adults.  Please call the church office at (352) 629-5683 for more information.


Marion County Board of County Commissioners has established an animal abuser registry, otherwise known as Molly’s Law. Molly’s Law requires any offender convicted of an animal abuse crime as defined in Marion County Code, Chapter 4, Section 4-15 to be placed on the animal abuser registry. This database will allow citizens, pet sellers, and rescues to verify that they are not placing and animal with an animal abuser.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. there will be a “Proclamation”

The dog “Molly” of Molly’s Law, Ambassador to the Marion County Animal Abuser Registry, is going to have a Proclamation made on her behalf in the Marion County Commissioners Meeting, next Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9 a.m.. As a result, the month of January 2019 will be designated as “Marion County Animal Abuser Registry Awareness Month” in Marion County, Florida. Continue reading


25 large strawberries

1 (3 oz) box strawberry Jell-O

1 c. water, boiled

1 c. vodka

1 1/4 c. semisweet chocolate chips

2 tsp. coconut oil


Slice off the tops and tips of strawberries, removing the stem and leveling them so they can stand up on a flat surface. Using a small melon baller, gently scoop out inside of strawberry, creating a “shot glass.” Discard insides. Continue reading


2 refrigerated pie crusts

Flour for rolling out dough

1/2 c. strawberry jam

Egg wash

1/4 c. Granulated sugar, for sprinkling


Preheat oven to 375°. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. On a lightly floured surface, roll out 1 pie crust. Using a paring knife, cut out long diamond shapes, about 4″ on each side. Transfer diamonds to baking sheet. Re-roll extra dough to make more diamonds. (You should have enough dough to make about 6.)

Fill the center of each diamond with a very thin layer of strawberry filling, then fold three of the corners into the center so that the dough looks like an open envelope. Use a small heart cookie cutter to stamp out remaining dough into hearts, and place in the center of each.

Brush envelopes with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. Bake until envelopes are golden, about 15 minutes.

Let cool for 10 minutes on baking sheet before transferring to a cooling rack to cool completely.

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(NAPSI)—Throughout the season, for many football fans, the real game is played on an entirely different field of play: the parking lot.

Tailgating in Wisconsin is taken as seriously as the game itself, often featuring an assortment of brats, hamburgers, pulled pork, chili, chips, cookies, cake, beer and whatever intricate recipe an ambitious parking lot cook can concoct. Likely absent are such foods as apples, carrots and milk that can help your oral health.

Here are some tips for prioritizing good oral health and food options at your next tailgate.

Don’t Punt on Appetizers

No tailgate is complete without a platter of appetizers, including chips, dips, chicken wings and cheese. Small changes to the menu can make for a big difference in oral health. Continue reading

  (NAPSI)—For 30 million Americans, diabetes is an everyday reality. Diabetes can affect every decision, including what they eat, wear and do. Yet the 24/7 management of diabetes is often misunderstood, carrying a social burden, as too many Americans wrongfully assume the disease is the result of poor choices.

The American Diabetes Association is setting the record straight. Here’s what’s real and what’s not when it comes to diabetes:

Myth: Being overweight causes diabetes.

Fact: Being overweight is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes but it’s not the only one. Family history, ethnicity and age also play a significant role. In fact, people with type 2 diabetes are often at a normal weight or only moderately overweight.

Myth: Diabetes is caused by eating sugar.

Fact: Type 1 diabetes is a disease, in which the immune system attacks insulin-producing beta cells. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the body’s inability to use the insulin it produces and progresses so that less insulin is produced over time. Eating sugar doesn’t cause either type, though a diet high in calories can contribute to weight gain, which increases one’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Continue reading

(NAPSI)—With all the sad stories of conflict and desperation from around the world, it can be heartening to hear of loved ones reunited.

Here are just two of the happy examples:

  • Lydia spent months wondering if her daughter Odette was alive. Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo forced Lydia to seek asylum in the U.S., leaving her far away from her family and with a heavy heart. With the help of the Red Cross, Lydia located her daughter and sent her a message through the Restoring Family Links (RFL) program. Odette responded to her mom—she was indeed alive. “I don’t know how the Red Cross managed to connect me with someone who I thought was dead. There was no other way for me to talk to her. There was no other way.”
  • Conflict in Burundi forced Fidele to flee and lose touch with his loved ones, including his father. After living in Tucson, Arizona, for some time, he connected with the Red Cross RFL program to open up a search for his father to help give him peace of mind. After months of searching, Fidele finally received the welcome message: His father was alive and well.

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