Florida State Wide


The month of December breaks records for lives lost due to impaired driving.

It’s a statistic that local law enforcement agencies are hoping to change.

Attorney General Ashley Moody and other officials gathered in Osceola County on Thursday to promote safe driving during the holiday season.

DUI arrests peak between Christmas and New Year’s, Moody said, emphasizing that more people are going to holiday events and then choosing to drive impaired this time of the year.

Moody, along with Osceola Sheriff Marcos Lopez, urged Central Florida to make better decisions this year.

“If we catch you, you will go to jail,” Moody said, adding that impaired drivers were not only risking jail, but also the morgue. Continue reading

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody is pushing back against the Biden administration’s federal overreach. Attorney General Moody, with the support of Governor Ron DeSantis, filed a lawsuit challenging a new Biden administration rule requiring all states with National Highway System mileage to set arbitrary emissions targets. In addition to today’s announcement, Florida’s foresight and prudent fiscal management practices are now the standard-bearer amongst states given FDOT being the sole state to take the responsible step by no longer participating in USDOT’s carbon reduction program.

According to this new rule, states are required to set arbitrary targets for reduced CO2 emissions, to track progress towards said targets and report to the federal government goal progress. This rule forces states to spend an inordinate amount of time, resources and money with no clear guidance for what success looks like. The complaint argues that Congress has not given the U.S. Department of Transportation the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Continue reading

Dear Neighbor,

This week was a busy one in Washington, D.C. Next week will be the last week in session before a break for the holidays. After nearly three months in session this fall, I can’t wait to be back home in Florida. We hope to see many of you at the upcoming holiday parades in our area. 

This past week, I spoke with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Director about the NextGen 9-11 programs and interoperability of communication systems for our first responders. As the wife of a first responder, I know just how important these tools are to keeping our communities safe.

Additionally, I spoke before the House Budget Committee this week to talk about our national debt approaching $34 trillion. Click here to watch my proposal to rectify these fiscal sins that will surely impact future generations if we don’t take action.  Continue reading

Dear Neighbor,

This week, Congress was busy with hearings and votes before the winter recess and Christmas break. Take a look below to learn more about what we were up to as the year winds down.

I spoke on the Weaponization Subcommittee on Capitol Hill this week. Congress needs to put pressure on the Biden administration and federal government to stop the growing censorship of the American people. Whether it’s the silencing of Americans discussing politics or international events, it’s imperative that we preserve Americans’ First Amendment rights. Take a look below for more information on the hearing this week below.

The Energy & Commerce Committee was also busy this week with two subcommittee hearings with the CDC Director and FCC Commissioners. I spoke during each hearing about the Biden administration’s overreach into Americans’ lives and the growing bureaucracy’s regulations that hinder Americans’ businesses.  Continue reading

I sometimes hear that the FAIRtax will result in a windfall for corporations since the FAIRtax eliminates corporate taxes. Let’s make one thing perfectly clear – Corporations are legal fictions that have not, do not, and never will bear the burden of taxation. Only people pay taxes. Corporations pass on their tax burden in the form of higher prices to consumers, lower wages to workers, and/or lower returns to investors. The idea that taxing a corporation will reduce taxes on, say the working poor, is a cruel hoax. The corporate tax only makes what the consumer buys more expensive, costs employees jobs, lowers their lifestyle, or delays their retirement. Taxes are just another line item on the corporation expense sheet and it’s the consumer, employee and investor who pays for it. Under the FAIRtax plan, all the hidden cost created by the income tax disappears and money retained in the business and reinvested to create jobs, build factories, or develop new technologies, pay no tax. But, some believe that corporations will not do these things and will simply keep prices the same and cash in. Although some may try at first, they will soon see their market share drop. After all, if store A and store B are selling the same product but store B is selling it cheaper than store A, which store will you shop in? The FAIRtax is the most honest, fair, productive tax system possible and free market competition will do the rest. For more information please go to FAIRtax.org

Dear Friends,

As we near the start of a new year, we are also less than one month away from the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. Due to pressing matters, the Florida Legislature decided to start early, holding a special session during the second week of November. We passed four bills, as well as a Senate Resolution expressing our support for Israel and its right to defend itself.

The first bill that we passed during the 2023C Special Session is House Bill 1C: Disaster Relief, by Senator Cory Simon. As demonstrated after Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, the Florida Senate is committed to helping Floridians rebuild from devastating storms in every manner possible. In response to Hurricane Idalia, the Florida Senate passed HB 1C, providing necessary funding and tax relief to the communities who need it most. The Florida Senate is meeting the challenge to support our rural and agricultural communities that have been devastated by Hurricane Idalia. This bill provides critical support to communities impacted by Hurricane Idalia, directs an additional $170 million to the My Safe Florida Home Program, and extends local government loan programs. Continue reading

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the award of over $57 million for 23 statewide springs restoration projects to protect Florida’s iconic springs, as well as increase spring flow and improve water quality. Florida’s springs attract visitors from across the world and the preservation of these springs play an important role in the economic resilience of the state.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and four of Florida’s water management districts have identified projects such as wastewater, stormwater, pollution control projects and water-quality projects to protect and restore our springs. Additionally, these projects will help conserve and acquire land in spring recharge zones to prevent nutrients from entering the groundwater that feeds our springs. Continue reading

~ Funding will support more than 5,000 new apprentices and preapprentices ~

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Governor Ron DeSantis awarded $14.4 million through the Florida Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant (PCOG) to fund 57 proposals to start, expand or operate registered apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs at Florida school districts, colleges, state universities and private training entities. The funding will support over 5,000 participants as they commit to receive on-the-job training and related classroom instruction simultaneously.

“Today’s awards help ensure Florida remains the national leader in developing a strong workforce and providing businesses with the talent they need to be successful,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “By investing in education and hands-on career experience, we empower individuals to achieve their full potential and support the continued economic prosperity of our state.”  Continue reading

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — First Lady Casey DeSantis and the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) announced the investment of an additional $1 million to enhance and expand mentoring services for Florida’s youth. This investment further builds upon $12.8 million in mentorship funding at the Department of Children and Families as well as the recent expansion of First Lady Casey DeSantis’ Hope Florida initiative to the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office.

“Investing in mentorship is an investment in Florida’s future and one that will empower and strengthen the next generation,” said First Lady Casey DeSantis. “Mentoring isn’t just about providing guidance to young people; it’s about unlocking their unique potential and helping them build skills and resilience that will shape them as our emerging leaders in Florida and our country.”  Continue reading

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representatives Kat Cammack (R-FL-03), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03), Joe Courtney (D-CT-02), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01) introduced a resolution celebrating October 28 as Honoring the Nation’s First Responders Day.

“I’m honored to lead this resolution with my colleagues to honor our first responders. As the wife of a firefighter/paramedic and SWAT medic, this resolution is personal for me,” said Rep. Kat Cammack. “The men and women of our first responder community across the nation work tirelessly to keep our communities safe. They run toward danger when the rest of us run away from it and we should be tremendously grateful for their service and sacrifices each day. Imagining a world without them isn’t possible, and we thank you for all you do and will always stand with you.” Continue reading

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