By TomL

Illegal Immigrants: If they don’t show up for the hearing then don’t release them until the hearing is over. If they are released into the United States, give them working permits. Release them to areas that fit their skills. Send factory workers to industry area, farmers to pick crops. Those that don’t have skills, teach them construction and put them to work building the wall and housing for those working on the wall. Tell them if they ever move to a sanctuary city they will be deported instantly when caught. No hearings, no court dates instantly!

Furthermore, any employer caught employing an illegal without a permit should be fined $5,000 the first offense per person. Give the employer all the work permits they need and they have to register them or pay the fine every month they must be accounted for. Then the people without work permits may apply without being arrested if they have not committed a crime (in other words make it legal for them to work in this country with a registered permit). They may not have voting right until they spend two years in our Military. Continue reading

As the holiday season approaches, many Lady Lake residents will be gathering with family and friends to celebrate. Whether you are traveling out of town or hosting festivities at home, the Lady Lake Police Department wants you to be safe. Here is a security checklist to help protect your home and family.

Before you leave town it is important to make sure your home appears occupied. Place timers on your lights and set them to turn on and off at different times. Lock your garage door and disconnect the automatic opener. Most importantly, tell a trusted neighbor that you are going to be away and ask them to dial 911 immediately if they see anyone on your property.

Here are some additional home security tips to keep in mind:

  • Install good locks on all doors and windows and always use them.
  • Stop newspaper and mail deliveries, and never hide a spare key outside,
  • Give that spare key to a trusted neighbor and provide them with an emergency telephone number where they can reach you.
  • Have someone mow your lawn if you’ll be away more than a couple of weeks.
  • Turn down your telephone ringer so no one outside can hear repeated rings, and never leave a message on your telephone answering machine stating you are out of town.
  • Leave your window blinds as you normally would if you were home.
  • Invite your neighbor to park their car in your driveway or have a friend move yours if you left it at home.
  • Do not post holiday travel plans on social networking sites.

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The traveling Wall came to Lady Lake / The Villages. Opened Nov 2 and closed Nov 4th. The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall was open to the public for three days at the Soccer Fields on Rolling Acres Road.

By TomL

It was the day before Thanksgiving at the Loury Farm. I had made a quick trip to the store. My wife was working in the kitchen making pies for the next day. When I came up the driveway I saw a bunch of cars and trucks. I could not imagine who was there and why they were there. It was my niece and most of her family.

They like to come and see the animals and show their children the animals. It’s interesting that a lot of children have never touch a cow, a donkey, a horse, a bull and various other animals that we have around. An occasional peacock will visit from the neighbor’s farm. They won’t let you touch them for survival reasons. Continue reading

Nothing But Networking was the last networking event of the year. It was well attended and was held at the Waterfront Inn in The Villages. I met some new business people. Several said they were expanding because business was so good. Business is good for us right now and I hope is for you also.

Christmas in the Villages held its annual celebration / Expo with as much as 75 vendors exhibiting their businesses and talking to people about what services or products they offer. Many gave out free gifts like pens, candy, pill boxes, scratch pads and many small promotional items. Some food samples were available and lots of entertainment. The weather was perfect and the people were friendly. A good time was had by all.

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Nicholas Holmes, a senior in the EMIT (Engineering and Manufacturing Institute of Technology) program at Forest High School, has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts. This accomplishment is the culmination of over six years of adventure, fun, work, and dedication to the Boy Scout program for Holmes, a member of Troop 200 in Ocala.

For his Eagle Project, Holmes worked in conjunction with other community volunteers to build “Charlie’s Garden” at Interfaith Emergency Services’ “Center for Life.”

The concept for Charlie’s Garden, a place for parents to honor the memory of their unborn children, came about because the father of a child who was aborted without his consent wanted a place to grieve the loss of the child he called “Charlie.” When the old abortion clinic in downtown Ocala came up for sale, he donated funds to purchase it and convert it into a “Center for Life.”

Holmes led his group of over 25 volunteers in the building of three planter benches, a fountain and a free-standing circular waterfall wall. His project involved a total of 273 volunteer hours and over $1,400 worth of materials and supplies.

Holmes and his volunteers didn’t stop upon completion of his approved Eagle Project. They also pitched in to help ready Charlie’s Garden for its dedication by planting new bushes and flowers to replace ones killed by frost, building the archway entrance to the garden, pressure washing the sidewalks and seating areas in the garden, and refinishing the donated cast iron tables and chairs.  Continue reading

November CEP, Ocala Chamber after hours was held at Badcock furniture at 2211 SW 19th Ave Road. Pictured is Tom James of CEP, left and on the right, owner of Badcock, receiving a coupon certificate at the Event. The vibrating chairs were wonderful, the food was great and the people were friendly. Great Job!

Les Singleton made a presentation in front of the Ocala Business Leaders this month talking about his Send Out Cards. Les said this is the time of year Send Out Cards is a big business. Don’t get miss. Get your Christmas Cards, Thank You Cards, etc.

Join us for Let’s Skate Ocala! from Nov. 17-Dec. 30 located in beautiful Tuscawilla Park at 825 NE Watula Ave.  The “synthetic” ice rink is open to the public Thursdays, 5-9 p.m., Fridays, 5-10 p.m., Saturdays, 2-10 p.m. and Sundays, 4-8 p.m.  The fee to skate is $5/person/45-minute skate session for ages 3+.  Need a place for your holiday party?  Rent the rink for only $150/two hours on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.  Enjoy festive music, a food truck, a photo booth and more! Every Friday we provide FREE hay rides and these FUN Theme Nights: Nov. 23-Family Game Night (BOGO admission); Nov. 30-Skate with the Symphony; Dec. 7-Hawaiian Limbo and Kona Ice; Dec. 14-Under the BIG Top, Games and Prizes; Dec. 21-Santa’s Workshop, Cookie Decorating and Reindeer Games and Dec. 28-All Things Disney and Let’s Go to the Movies featuring Beauty and the Beast!  The Let’s Skate Ocala! Holiday Skating Rink will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.  If you need additional information, please give us a call at 352.368.5517.  Happy Holidays!

CEP – Click to learn more

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