By TomL

Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT. In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.  His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office and shared his radical leftist political views. He eventually won a Senate seat, with financial help of his wife, which he has managed to keep off and on.

For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices.

No plans for foreign policy or national security on his platform. His excuse “I’ve only been campaigning for a few months.”

Do you want to know what kind of leader Bernie is? Go to Wikipedia. It’s a long report. It is disgusting!

“American freedoms are no more than one generation away from extinction.” President Reagan

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