Elaine Has Your Back

Ron and Elaine came to Florida after having a successful trucking company up north. They sold it and moved to Florida. Ron and Elaine Maillaro got involved with Fair Tax listening to Neil Boortz and reading the Fair Tax book by Boortz and Linder. They started volunteering in 2008 just after the establishment of the Florida Fair Tax Education Association ( 501c (3) ). They became presenters then they were elevated to Marion County Co-ordinators then to District Co-ordinators to finally Ron made President and Elaine made Secretary of the FFTEA. Their mission is to change how the government is funded by enacting HR 25, the Fair Tax Act. A system based on consumption rather than income.

I have known Ron and Elaine for about ten years and they have worked hard to educate people on the Fair Tax and signing up politicians to further the Fair Tax Cause and to get rid of the IRS.

What is Fair Tax and how does it work? For instance if you buy a car you pay tax, the second and the third time that car is sold there is no tax, no double and triple taxation and you are not taxed until you buy something. You pay tax once on something and that is it! No tax unless you spend!

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