Is this the BIRTH OF DICTATORSHIP in the Good Old USA?

Apparently any President, Governor or Mayor can issue an Executive Order which cancels, voids and  over- rides the law. This goes all the way back to George Washington and every President since.

A recent example was the outgoing President, closing the border to Mexico, then the incoming President reversing that ban. And, after an invasion of over a million South Americans, he can change his mind again.

All this without any input or control by our elected representatives.

In fact, the Federal Register Act specifies that such orders need not be published if they had “no general applicability and legal effect.”, but it doesn’t say who makes that decision.

An executive order is supposed to limit the President to managing the Federal Government and should comply with laws passed by Congress and  with the Constitution. But, of course, a President can fire any government employee who doesn’t comply with his instructions, whether it’s best for the country or not.

In theory, Congress could overturn an Executive Order. But any action they take would be vetoed by the President they are trying to control.

Then it would take a two-thirds vote of Congress to over-ride his veto – Not likely that either party would take on their own President.

The U. S. Supreme Court could rule that an Executive Order is unconstitutional, but they seem to take a year or two to decide anything.

One Presidential Candidate said, of another, ““Executive orders sort of came about recently. Nobody ever heard of an executive order. Then all of a sudden he starts signing them like they’re butter,” That speaker then said “I want to do away with Executive Orders for the most part.”

But eventually he signed about 55 per year and the person he was talking about signed only 35.

Regardless of which party, they’re all politicians, so lying comes easy to them.

Florida is another example of a State Governor using his ‘Executive Power’ to bypass congress, and the voters.

For example, Florida lawmakers adjourned in March 2021 without finalizing a $93.2 billion budget.

But the Governor used his ‘emergency powers’ and $12 billion in federal COVID-19 assistance to trash their budget and make up his own version.

As mentioned, this is not a criticism of that Governors action. My question is “Does this practice, bypass, reduce, eliminate, avoid the concept of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY valued so highly by all Americans?

Why spend so much time and money on ‘free’ elections, when the decisions of our elected representatives can be canceled and ignored by a single ‘dictator’?

It’s a dangerous trend which threatens freedom in the USA.

AS I SEE IT, it’s a mistake to say, “I support the person I voted for, no matter what.”

Keep in mind that the other party will ‘inherit’ the dictatorship which you are creating.

‘til next time . .

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