It starts like this…

2,000 Mules video! Produced by DINESH D/SOUSA

By TomL

I will try to describe the video as a short version. I may have missed a couple of things that is why you should watch the video! I don’t see this as a hoax, you watch it if you can get a copy. The current administration is trying to suppress it video. All Americans should view the video.

Several of us watched the 2,000 mules video. It is eye opening. It took the coming together of several investigating agency (CELL GEOTRACKING DATA)  was used, from one company. Being able to locate a person’s phone and locate where they were at any given time on any given day.

Next was investigation into cameras at each ballot boxes.

After looking at the telephone pings being in the same places by certain people, the investigators ask for video footage of the ballet boxes. They are all supposed to have them operating during elections voting hours 24 hours a day. The investigator’s noticed the same person coming to the ballet boxes a number of times. They applied the telephone tracking application. The number of hit’s were much to big and cumbersome, so they decided to track anyone traveling to the ballot boxes 20 times in one day. There was at least 2,000 so they ask for video footage of the ballet boxes. Some requests were denied they said there were not available but still a few came in. They are supposed to supply them by federal law, some did not! They busted some ballot stuffers in the early days of the election and arrested them by fingerprints evidence, so from that day on the video show’s they all were wearing gloves. You see that on the video. The subject pulled up in the middle of the night with gloves on stuffed the ballots into the ballot box, took a picture proving they were there, took the gloves off and disposed of them in a nearby trash cans. The video’s show different people stuffing ballet boxes between 1 am and 5 am but a few in broad day light hours. Suppose you take 2,000 mules (people) in one night stuffing 20 ballots at 20 different locations in one night. How many votes is that? I think it’s 800,000 per night. You figure it out! Who really won the election? Watch the video and you decide!

Wait there is more…. three dozen of the telephone locators put the same people at one of the sites where all the burning and looting was going on. Maybe they were paid to burn and loot?

Who is paying them. Well they have one witness came forward on video and admit they were paid by their company to be a mule, I think it was a secretary. They told her to put the ballots in a certain ballot box because the was no camera there. She did and she admits it in the video.

Now come to date. It probably explains the urgency of getting thing done fast. They are about to be exposed! The video has been banned from many locations, so it is taking time for the American people to see it! Take the effort to see it, it is an eye opener! It will take time for all Americans to view this video, so then what. It will be up to the American people!  Where is the DOJ? FBI?

Locally you can call the new Republican Party headquarters and ask to view the video? They might show it to you.

Most politicians are trying to raise money to get re-elected so I don’t see them getting involved yet.

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