By TomL

Where do I start well I did hear one person say his daughter got healthcare when she could not afford what they offered before Obama Care, she had a preexisting condition. I guess you could call it the perfect storm. You force everyone to pay for the insurance including the people who don’t want it that way the people who are not sick pay doff the people who are sick.

Where it gets sticky is who pays for the elderly who have paid in all their lives and the politicians have spent the money giving it to other country that don’t like us! I guess you could call it a “Like us fee”. Another sticky place is when half the people refused to pay for the healthcare it got really expensive.  So not to have it fail the government subsidized people who could not afford Obama Care. Guess where that came from, yep the tax payers.

Gosh we came up with a shortage of nurses, the federal government subsidized that. I met a whole family that was being subsidized for going to nursing school. One of the four actually did some nursing but no RN’s. Guess where that came from, yep the tax payers.

They tell me that if you show up at the hospital for emergency care you will not be denied, so why  is it so urgent to have a government run healthcare? Is it so we the Taxpayer will pay for the people who entered this country illegally? Is it because they are trying to dilute the vote of the American people?

Keep your hands out of my pocket…There is nothing there!

So I say keep your hands off my Healthcare!

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