by Tom Loury

The American hunter is the largest army in the World! Texas Gun owners is the largest  army in the world by itself. I think it’s safe to say there are millions of armed Americans ready to defend their homes and their country. That is why we are not invaded. They will try to invade from within (politically). Wisconsin hunters by itself has 600,000 gun owners, Pennsylvania has 750,000, Michigan has 700,000.

That is why they want to take our guns. One of the reasons they want Socialism, Government Health care is so they can get the American people dependent on the Government (offer free stuff), then they will try to take our guns. At that point they will start indoctrinating the youth. It already started in a small way. The wealthy will leave this country because they are being taxed to the extreme. Next the government runs out of other people’s money in a few years and someone from another big country steps in and takes over.

I say cling to your bibles and your guns, stand your ground, keep a level head and be determined. Stand up for the President of the United States. He said he would clean the swamp and he is, but the vipers and reptiles are slinking in the dark and trying to stop him. When I say slinking in the dark I mean having investigations without transparency, behind closed doors, not allowing cross examinations, not letting the accused question his accuser. That is unconstitutional!

I said four years ago a third party would emerge, but it looks like the Socialist have taken over the Democratic Party. I’m sure most of the Democrats don’t like that. They need to think twice about putting a socialist in office.

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