SIGNET Research Inc.

Do Readers Still Want Print?

Back in 2010, Signet Research, Inc. released data on readers’ platform preferences when consuming content in media brand issues. The objective was to learn whether the sentiment that print was a fading format, was premature and exaggerated. The results showed a strong preference for the print format over the digital version.

Signet continued to gather data for the last 10 years and recently provided our clients with the updated results. The results show that the significant preference for print still exists for readers of B2B media brand issues.

In order to highlight this point more comprehensively, we are planning additional in depth data gathering in the coming year. We are going to be offering all of our 2020 clients access to the results of a case study regarding ad performance by medium.

Data collected every year from 2009 to 2019 consistently show a strong preference for the print issue – even with the increased presence of digital edition readers in the audience. The current numbers represent the most recent 18 months of studies conducted.  The percentage who prefer print only is 51%.  In comparison, the preference for digital only is just 19%.  Please feel free to share the link with your colleagues and clients who may find it interesting and informative.


Kristine Di Nardo

Director, Business Development

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