The following is one persons and not necessary the opinion of this newspaper.

Did you know that you owe about $775,000 to China?

That’s your share of the USA National Debt!

Since the end of the Clinton Presidency, the U.S. government has spent a LOT more than they collected from the tax-payers.

The Federal Government owes Medicare, Social Security, Government Pensions and retiree health care liabilities and much more.

How much? Some sources say about $118 Trillion.

Our Federal Government, regardless of which party, Republican or Democrat, is addicted to ‘borrow, spend and borrow more, and spend more.

This year they plan to borrow another $25 Trillion.

Whose fault is it?

As I See It, nothing has changed – WalMart is to blame . . . . . Well, maybe not WalMart alone — but, when you shop at any major store. your money goes to China. You are exporting your American Dollars and getting nothing in return.

“Why does WalMart buy from China instead of the USA?”

The simple answer is greed.

The lower the price, the more they can sell. The more they sell, the more they get rich. The more they get rich, the more they take advantage of employees by cutting hours, their pay scale and their benefits while the executives make hundreds of millions every year.

American products in the stores, means American jobs in the factories. Those American jobs mean that we would get back to buying homes, cars and a million other things we want and need.

As long as candidates are allowed to make promises to get elected, and then break those promises as soon as they are in office, nothing will change.

How long will it be before – “We the people” demand a direct voice in government?

Most Americans do not want American Dollars to be ‘exported’ to foreign countries.

You don’t see any cuts in pay or benefits for your Senator, your Representative or any of their staff. In fact, we’re paying their salaries while they plan to cut our Medicare, Social Security, pension plans, health care and everything else that keeps people alive.

Reduce the deficit by eliminating foreign aid and foreign invasions. Cut government payroll and benefits so none of them can take from us more than they give to us.

Make ‘Made In America” a label that consumers demand.

“For the people” and “By the people” means that major decisions, like spending and borrowing need the approval of the voters and the tax-payers – electing ‘representatives’ to make those decisions for us is not working – – –

The USA is a ‘Representative Democracy” – As I see it, we need a lot less ‘representing’ and a lot more ‘democracy’.

’til next time….


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